Friday, March 21, 2008


Why the hell did i even bother coming to tis website again =_=....a lot of things happened hand in hand...good n bad...hahaha...juz wen everything iz down, i got the notice tat i was accepted for LI...juz wen i tot everyone ignores me or treats me coldly...suddenly sumone from a long time ago started replying my msn messages...dunno if i shud view tis as a torture or a heal me wen i m hurt...juz to hurt me again afterwards?? hahah i could hear ppl saying tat i m too negative d...negative n sensitive...negative i guess ok lah...i myself feels negative =_=...but i hate it wen ppl say i m sensitive...m i really??...dunno lah...dun care...wana sleep now...sien...hungry oso...

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