Considering I am a web developer I guess I can do this much. Finally I can include 2 pictures in a post. And the pictures are now taken with my new laptop sporting a stronger webcam plus a datestamp. As you can see, there are subtle improvements to my physique but nothing too significant. Well, this kind of things take time and effort. So time and effort is what I am going to give. From the first picture I guess experienced bodybuilders would be able to spot that I have no chest actually. It only exists when I am in neutral where my arms are lowered beside. If I position my arms slightly back or over my head, you can see my chestplate aka bone instead of a toned chest. Furthermore, I took another picture with a timer to check out my back and sure enough it is as smooth as can be. I blame it on the lack of pulling exercise available to me in my room. I have never done a single chin-up for more than a year I think. For all my arm size is worth, I don't think it actually has tat much strength. However, I am seriously considering attending gym should my circumstances improve. There are a lot of exciting changes coming soon.
First of all, I am going to move. Yes, I am finally moving to a new place after staying here for 3 years. I guess it is about time that I change my environment as well. I do have a lot of restrictions here even though there are some benefits. Living with other people can be one of the best things to ever happen to me or the worst. It all depends on my future housemates. I have been going around the area here at Damansara Jaya diligently searching for room for rent. I have also dropped messages to friends in Ipoh asking if they are interested in sharing a room or even perhaps an entire house. It is quite risky but no harm asking I think. I will be moving most probably middle of August. Even though expenses will increase by a significant number, but I guess it is about time I started spending. It is an addictive thing. Once you start to enjoy life a bit more, it is harder to stop now. Life is meant to be enjoyed, but always only to a certain extent. One should never derive entertainment or pleasure at the heavy expense of one's own future or the well-being of others.
I am getting a strong headache now all of a sudden so I will try to cut this short. I have a lot to say actually but as usual most of them just disappears somewhere. I noticed a lot of traffic coming in simply because I changed the title of my blog. To those that came in hoping for information on Psy's Gangnam Style, I am sorry to say that you can only watch the MV here. I can't say that my blog reflects on the message delivered by the MV nor do am I able to say that I can live up to Gangnam Style. It is a fun song at best but to me, most importantly is to be yourself, be confident and simply conquer the world with your own style. I will try to live according to this mantra but it is not possible to follow it all the time. This is an important lesson I learnt while trying to uphold my principles. Be flexible. As I like to say nowadays, do not limit yourself to one thing or one decision, always be ready to accept something new and new worlds will open itself to you. That is all from me for now, most probably I will be posting more tomorrow. Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekends.
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