How many of you are religious? Be ready to get offended then. I hate zealots. I really do. Those that preach and spread the word of their religion everywhere without consideration. Those that criticize the religions of others or condemn non-believers. Back in university, one of them actually said I will surely go to hell if I do not enter their religion. If a religion was proven to be any better than the other, there would not be such a variety in the first place. If there was definite proof to what they preach, it would not be a religion anymore, but a fact that everyone has to accept. Any religion that curse non-believers to hell is no religion of mine that is for sure. This phenomena is not limited to religion only. You can find it in many different scenarios. Take insurance salesmen. One counter argument usually ends up with a flurry of facts and statistics that you don't even know existed. And they are very persistent. If they are desperate or see you as a potential convert, they will find you and hunt you down. Same thing with people working with pyramid schemes. Maybe that is why so many people got caught in it. Because that is the human psyche.
And most of the people I deny end up offended because I did not submit. That they were thinking of my welfare and they wanted me to benefit from the greatness of whatever it is they are preaching about. I appreciate it but if I show resistance from the start, I assumed you get the hint. Call me stupid but this is humanity. Look at all the people out there still smoking or not exercising. It is a proven fact that exercising makes you healthy and smoking can kill you and still people refuse to listen, citing many lifestyle reasons. I would just group you together with those people who do not understand or people who have different opinions. You can argue until the sun rises from the west that Apple products are the best and I still will consider my options. What works for you may not work for me. What is priority to you, may not be a priority to me. Stop applying your standards on me. The very argument that I do not 'see' your point simply means you are insulting my intelligence. And the word I hate the most is being called stupid. Most if not all the arguments are based on big probabilities. If heaven and hell exists, if I survive the next accident, if I am switching to graphic design. Your possibilities are very much next to chances of me hitting the lottery or this is actually The Matrix. Worst of the lot are friends who turned into zealots. If our relationship is that fragile, then leave it. To my friends who remained as a friend till the very end, thank you.
From people who care, we also have people who do not give a shit. Especially those in the position of power. Do you know how frustrating it is to be helpless whereas people who can make a change just close their eyes and be ignorant? What happened to 'With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility' you collective pile of dung? Why do you not care? We are all in this together you know? Furthermore, since you do not care, you dare to complain when things go downhill? Whose fault do you think it is? Do you think everything is going to be alright if you just blame the person on top of you? The same shit will come trickling down again. Why do you want to fix things when you can prevent the disaster from even happening? If you think the decision is wrong, then voice it out. You are in the position to speak directly and influence the ending. I am not. There is simply no respect for people like this. If you are too busy to care, whose fault is it that you are so busy? Your time management skills or lousy upper management? Are you expecting me to voice out for you? And what is your position again?
Fine then. I hope you will understand if I take action to protect myself. I have nothing to lose. We are all going to hell if this continues anyway. All of us will be out of a job, simply a matter of time. Are you hoping that people will just overlook the issues and somehow the deus ex machina will come and save everyone? Why are you not doing what you are supposed to do? Why can't you aspire to save people instead? Why are you dragging everyone along with your incompetence? Don't bring down the hopes and dreams of everyone else. Of course I will never understand, because I am not the same type of person as you are. It is so much easier to just say yes isn't it? You just want a peaceful working life without politics right? Just follow orders and do your duty. Nothing less nothing more. You won't be blamed if things fall apart right? Because you were merely following orders like a good employee. There will be karma. There is just so much you can sweep under the rug. When the time comes, you will pay in full for everything. The time is near now, since the bosses are checking which department is wasting money. And I will be there with a freaking checklist. You mark my words. I will reveal everything one day. Maybe nothing will change. Maybe it will change everything. Be prepared.
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